14 years, eight months and two days of which I knew you only one month and 29 days less than you had here on Earth. And until only recently you spent it with me, purring and pawing your way into my heart.
Today, my furry companion, Snickers, crossed the rainbow 🌈 bridge. My heart aches. Not because I am overly saddened that he is gone, but that there are no more days with you, no more naps with you curled up beside me, with your back paws 🐾 having to touch me. I created that little quirk when he was a kitten, because if I didn’t feel it little feet pressed against me, I did not know where he was and couldn’t roll over.
He was Guardian Angel #4. He kept watch over me, and chased my demons away. He greeted me at my door when I came home from work.
It is amazing how these creatures that we take on as pets, as friends, as a companion in our journey through life, become so entwined in our hearts and in our souls. And not through any wonderous words of wisdom, or keen insight into our psyche, though I am sure that if they could impart such knowledge they surely would, but simply because they love us with their entire being, without judgements or criticisms. No “I told You!,” when they come to meow, bark, purr, nicker, whinny or whatever other sounds, and looks they give us, that make us believe they are listening to every word we say, and are deeply contemplating all we have said, and are figuring out what to say in response, without ever speaking any actual words.
While I may be anthropomorphizing them a bit, there has to be something more than just askance for their bowl of food, bag of grain, or juicy crickets.
Fortunately, this time, I have no dearth of furry companions to help ease my sadness, and in turn add back to my happiness. However, I shall miss my friend, as he shared a good portion of my life’s journey with me.