Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas thoughts

So it's Christmas. A rather special time of year...especially for the retailers. Oh wait, I mean for Christians. Not nearly as important as Easter is supposed to be. I mean we all know that it is the death and resurrection of Jesus that are important. But I digress already.

What I want to address is all the negative things people have to say about it. If you don't believe in the Christ story, great fine and good for you...I know a couple evangelicals who will make it their mission to add you to their "save" count as we all know it is 'he who proslytizes most who wins'. OK just kidding. I actually support you right to believe what you do (or don't) believe. But in the meantime can you let those who believe do it in the peace promised during the Yuletide.

Granted, the actual birth of the Christ was most likely in the spring of the year. Granted the ancient church most likely co-opted the pagan rites on and around the solstice to make the heathens more apt to switch. Regardless of the fact that celebration of Jesus' birth was looked down uop for many a century and only revived within the last couple few hundred years. America and much of the "Western" world is or was predominantly Christian (even though round about today most people aren't particularly religious). So what if 67% of Americans no longer assosciate a religious aspect to Christmas. This still is a holiday of some signifigance. If you are of a different faith...push for more equity in recognition of your holidays in lieu of Christian ones. If you are a secularist and agnostic or atheist...then continue to celebrate it as the secular merchandising boondoggle it has become. But let them celebrate in the spirit of peace love joy and happiness that it is supposed to represent to them.

Well...your thoughts or opinions.

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