Friday, April 12, 2013

Curbing Gun Violence v Gun Control

Semantics  plural of se·man·tics (Noun)

  1. The branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning.
  2. The meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text: "such quibbling over semantics may seem petty stuff"

Ok the reason I opened with the above definition is because I know I shall be accused of playing the semantics game by what follows.  If you still think so, then I have no hope of putting forth an idea and having debate or civil discussion nor will we either be able to share facts or opinions in an effort of expanding knowledge and honing critical thinking skills.

Obviously the title will most likely have caused you to immediately jump to one side or the other as middle ground appears to be more of a de-militarized zone than a space of potential commonality.  And I find sadness in that.  But before I digress into the lament of polar extremism, I shall endeavor to put forth my thoughts here.

While to some the idea of cutting, curbing, (the false dream of) ending gun violence and the term gun control being synonymous is a "nice" thought, it is actually naive. 

Gun control does not do much to curb, control, deter or (wishfully thinking here) end violence let alone violence with guns.  Violent acts stem from a lack of control of ones emotions and instead allows us to act in a very base sense.  A gun is a tool.  A very specifically designed tool.  And while it was designed to be used to commit violent acts: those actions are to be done by people who are in as much control of their emotions as is possible (think police, soldiers, etc).  This applies similarly to those who will use guns for defense of self, of loved ones and other innocents, and if necessary in defense of home, community, and a way of life (the purpose behind the militia - which only is under any government control when mustered; and therefore is not the National Guard, tho they are related).  So thus this means that any person deemed a citizen who has not been stripped of their rights under due process of law has the right to own arms for all lawful purposes (defense, hunting, sport shooting), if they so choose to exercise that right.  

But alas, gun control is not about keeping guns out of the hands of persons with known violent tendencies, nor those who are dangerous to anyone including themselves because the reality they experience is not in congruence with actual reality.  Gun control is about those who have power and wealth using those to only allow themselves and those whom they pay to have weapons.  Ladies and gentleman, intimidation is a form of violence.  Let me repeat that:  intimidation is a form of violence.  And when you centralize who has control of all "legal" firearms, the only groups with guns are the criminals who have already shown a propensity to flaunt the laws and will not change just because their victims are less capable of protecting themselves, AND the politically powerful & the wealthy whose armed agents will be unrestrained from using their "legal" arms to intimidate te unarmed to do as they want.  If your home stands in the way of what they desire, and they can't "buy" you out at much less than what they are willing to pay, then the guns come out.  Don't think this will happen?  Ask your local Native American.  Need modern examples?  Ask the residents of the slums of Rio de Janerio.  Ask the Massai if they think giving up arms is in their best interest, when their own government is at least tacitly allowing developers to shove them off of ther lands.  

Do not get me wrong, I am not one who screams that any and all laws that regard firearms are violations of the 2nd Amendment; but neither am I so childish wishful as to believe that when violent people see that others have put down their guns they will follow suit (hoping this recalls a certain US Senator from California to mind).

If we want to curb gun violence, if we want to curb violence overall, let us find out what makes some people have so little or no empathy for their fellow man that they believe violence is the best method to resolve problems and get what they desire (not need just want).  Let us bring mental health onto an equal par with physical health.  Let us begin to destigmatize having mental health issues so that people don't feel like third or fourth class citizens because they seek help.  Let us quit glorifying violence in our entertainment.  Let us punish violent acts equally, regardless of how famous, rich or powerful the person who commits violence is.  Let us help and encourage victims of violence to not remain in the dark and feel intimidated and in danger so that they will come forward and say NO MORE!  


Yep, I knew I'd have more!

One of the arguments I keep seeing by those who wish to restrict what guns may or may not be available to those of us who still prefer to be able to defend ourselves.  That argument is "Why do you NEED..."

Sounds like a legit question, right?  So here is my question to you in response?  Why do you need a car that goes 90+mph?  Why do you need an 8mpg 4x4 when you live in the burbs and your most difficult terrain is the mall parking lot?  Why do you need a house with 5000 sq ft for two people?  Why do you need to send your kids to a $50k a year private school when there is a public school just down the street?  Why do you need to retain money managers, tax attorneys and the like when besides a little savings you could put all that extra money towards, oh I don't know, providing some extra money to fund POLICE, Security in those public schools, mental health resources for the crazy nut jobs who shouldn't have guns.  

Go ahead, ask me why again?

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