Good day my readers; what few I may still have. I thank you if you are still here for your patience and understanding.
The title above, as do a lot of things with me, represents multiple messages with a common theme. The first is probably the most obvious…it has been a year since I last wrote here and published; much of that due to me allowing the regular routines of life keep me from doing, experiencing or enjoying being alive and indulging my curiosity, desire, or pleasure for the sake of increasing my own happiness.
The second lies in a similar vein but is both more focused and rather broad at the same time. It is most likely a trick of the mind, maybe because as we age, we have more life to look back upon and reflect while we have an indeterminate amount of time, and potentially fewer things to look forward to going forward, but it seems as if the days, weeks, months and years go by more quickly than they used to.
I look back at the significant moments in my life to date and many seem to have only happened in the recent past, but then as I actually allow myself to think upon them, I realize that these happened farther back in the past.
And finally, it is also a warning, to myself mostly, but to y’all as well. Don’t be afraid to do that thing you have put off; take time for you and feed your mind, heart, and soul with the curious and creative, find the awe of a child within you and approach the routine and mundane as if it is the first time.
I may think of more upon this specific topic as I go along, but as per my usual 100 thoughts in 1000 directions speeding through my mind at a million miles an hour, so my train of thought is on the wrong track and possibly headed towards a derailing. So I shall make this a hodgepodge of other random thoughts.
Pets, animal companions, or whatever one wishes to thank about and call them…for many they are family. Circumstances in my life have allowed me to have a fair share throughout the latter part of my life. The last two years have brought a lot of heartache as we lost some of the most beloved of fur babies. But as time healed those heartaches, we opened our hearts and homes to new beastie besties. Our feline population has dwindled down to a number approaching something I feel will be more sustainable for the size of our home, and while I know it will fluctuate up and down, many of the ones who have crossed the rainbow bridge were more than just a beloved animal companion but a warrior, a hero, a fighter, an inspiration. Our canine pals left us as well. And for a period of time we did not have any within our walls, having to obtain the joy of a dog through those of friends. In December we rescued Nova, a dog of many a mixed breed, and then in February, it became obvious that Nova needed a friend of her own to keep her company while the human parents were out. This led us to this whirlwind of a tripod pit mix named Posey. Our house is a home again.
Jen and I have gone about and experienced several and various little vacations including a week in Canada. These were all wonderful breaks from the routine and mundane, providing new energy and clearing the fog of jaded outlooks and skewed perceptions that come from the stresses of life when you do the same thing day in and day out. Whether it is going to a different park or seeing the sights in a town not your own, or taking a dream of a lifetime vacation…don’t put it off any longer than you must to plan and execute that change of sights and sounds. It will do your body and spirit good.
I continue to dislike the growing divide (mostly along political ideology) that seems to pit tribe against tribe, clan against clan, etc. And what is more frustrating about this is that information/data contradicts or contravenes an opinion or idea, and yet is dismissed as fake and/or misleading. I try to live a life of non-judgement. I don’t always succeed (road-rage anyone), but if we differ we differ and I celebrate & accept those differences as a part of life…we are unique as much as we are a part of romancing greater, so it is important to take in new information, weigh it against what we know/believe to determine if there needs to be a revision
As the famous Rodney Kim quote goes “Can we, can we just get along.”
I know there is a whole lot more I want to talk about, but it is escaping me at the moment, so for now I shall close.
Till the next time (which I hope will not be another year away). I shall close.
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