Sunday, April 15, 2012

Actions Speaking Louder Than Words

A phrase we've all heard; and one I am almost always in agreement with. The other day, a friend mentioned that in regards to how much/whether her boyfriend loved her, it would be his actions that would convince her more than anything he had to say. On first blush, I completely agreed. But then I began to think upon this. I know, I know, I shouldn't ponder so hard as it only adds to the smog level. Anyhow, in this case, I was thinking that this could be one of those times when it isn't so much the actions as a whole but what actions that one would consider to speak to them. As most folks can tell you they are not mind readers. Hell I know I didn't take any classes in high school or college in being able to hear what is going on in the mind of another. And when it comes to that thing called Love, we have the "dictionary" definition, which if you have ever thought about love for even five minutes, then the definition of love in your head is quite different (expanded) from the basically simple definition in the dictionary. So, couple those things together and what do you get. The potential for one one performing those actions to be doing them in vain, as they may not be the actions that the recipient desires to have done to see that the performer is doing them to express love with a bullhorn of activity. If I'm massaging shoulders and you want a foot rub...I'm supposed to know this how? If I don't realize that you appreciate one over the other; that one shows love versus just me being all touchy, i won't know if I am not told. Yet; doesn't it defeat the purpose if you have to tell me? Maybe if you need to tell me every other day. But if I'm not ever told, if I'm not given feedback on a preference, then maybe the actions I'm speaking aren't the ones you want to hear. Obviously the above are examples of the need for words to beget the desired actions. If you want actions, maybe you don't have to be specific down to the letter, but ideas, generalizations, a 2x4 upside the head hint, might be necessary to get the ball rolling the way you want: to get the volume of those actions to where you can hear the love he/she is trying to express, and in a language you both comprehend. Communication as we all know has very little to do with the words that we speak, but in so many other aspects of communication. It is why certain methods of communication (i.e. sarcasm) are so difficult to convey in the written needs the other cues of communication to clue us in. Love, I believe can be very well communicated in words, written or spoken. But when love is only expressed via only one method, it loses its impact upon the recipient of the message. So, as in the case of my friend, I agree. Her boyfriend needs to speak in the language of action to show her that he loves her. However, it is important for her to communicate, in words or in deeds, what sorts of actions will pump up the volume on his love radio broadcast. He may be doing things he believes are expressing his love and devotion at an 11 on the amp, when on her perspective, his actions are air guitar...all motion and fluff with no real purpose. Actions. Speak volumes. Let someone know what actions not only get your attention (in a good way; we all know of the I act out so you will notice me types of actions) but will also hold that attention and will be expressive of the love (or other emotional discourse) that is desired.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Thoughts on Immortality

Man has pretty much strived to find a way to live forever; either in this current state we call the real world, or in the potential for a life that begins after we pass beyond this mortal coil.

While I am usually up for a more than lively debate on matters of religion, spirituality, and the political, I'm going to attempt to refrain from the faith-based aspects of life after this life. And while I enjoy my sciences as well, I am also going to not speak on that facet of extending our life expectancy.

No being a philosopher in a philospohic mood (and having lost some dear family members within the last couple of months) I wish to ponder upon a form of immortality that we may all achieve if we so desire to work towards it.

It is an immortality that some have achieved already and are reknowned for it throughout much of the world. They survive on and on and on from generation to generation; quoted, referred to, their wisdom sought; their actions gleaned over for how to deal with the problems and issues that we face today.

Who are they? The figures in our history. Global, national, regional or local. They live on in the autobiographies, the biographies, the many quotes that are attributed to them. They survive because we seek answers to present issues and hope for future potentialities that they envisioned in the things they said and the actions they performed, and in the philosophies they believed and followed.

So how does this relate to you or I, the common individual? It is in the words and deeds of our lives in this here and now. If you were to give up the ghost tomorrow and face whatever comes/becomes of us when that occurs, how would you be remembered? How long would the memories of you affect others. But not just the memories, what of the lives that you touched as an unknown angel? In what ways did seething you did, said or expressed affected the life of another (hopefully for good, though here in a negative light we may also be recalled)?

This immortality of our life by the rembrance of others...either in direct recollection of us or in that off hand "I remember this person once...", that may pass for one to several generations.

While there are many points to wonder upon in regards to an afterlife; while the whole of what it is to be human may alter in ways that may make us less than what we are now should we become less likely to die if at all in this realm; the type of immortality of which I have spoken above, I think, is a truly admirable one. To make our mark upon the lives of others in such a way as to inspire, to encourage, to guide, shape and mould their lives...this is a worthy form of living far beyond the natural life expectancy of our kind, and truly is a hallmark of what being human is.