Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thoughts on Thanksgiving.

Today is a day set aside for all of us to reflect upon all that we have in which we are thankful.  It doesn't mean that we are any less thankful for those things any other day of the year, or that we should not share our thanks with others when they do or say that for which we are grateful, appreciative or much obliged.

This day is a special day of thanks as we look upon all that we have already acknowledged, but also to find those things for which we have not yet said thanks for, or discover that some past trouble is now a lesson learned, an experience gained, wisdom which we did not have and now can be thankful for and which we may be able to pass on to another.

This day is a special day of thanks that we can, hopefully, gather with family, friends and friends that are family and share with them those things that we are most grateful for in life and in them.

This day is a special day because it matters not in any system of belief or matter of conscience, only that we see what there is in our life, be it all that one can amass in this material world, or one small shred of hope that cannot be extinguished no matter the weight of all our other woes.

I am so ever thankful for so many things, that to list them all, if I could recall each one, would create a missive that would end up on the TL;DR list.  So, for the time being and for the sake of brevity (I know, I know...something y'all are thankful for), I will just say that for all the wonderful people who love, care and support me, for the things I am able to do, the things I can enjoy, the love and life that I am able to share with others, these things I am thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

We The People: Political Power

So, we survived another brutal election cycle.  Here are some of my thoughts.

Whether the candidate you chose won or lost, the process worked.  Maybe not as you wanted it to, but it worked.

So, until such time as we see things like abuse of executive privilege, utter disregard of the Law of the Land (aka The Constitution of the United States), and other things, we should be proud to know that our political system, for all it's many flaws and problems is still functioning, even it it is seems like it is on life support.

And maybe it is on life support.  Think about it.  The most important organ of our whole political process and our government, as noted in every document that is of any significance to how our nation runs, is the People.  Congress, both the house and senate alike, and the President, the face of the nation to the world and the executor of the laws passed by said Congress work for us - ALL the PEOPLE.  Not just the folks in their declared party.  Not for whatever other groups of which they may have membership in.  Not just registered voters.  For every single citizen, born in or naturalized, of this nation.

And that organ is failing.  We, the citizens, are failing our nation.  Instead of being our own voice, added to all those who support or are against each particular issue, we throw a few dollars for membership in some organization that pays it employees lots of money to attempt to influence politicians to side with their cause.  Most of these organizations do not represent broad issues.  They do not care about the middle ground, or consensus, only about their purpose, which may or may not be explicitly stated in their mission and vision statements.

It is time for us, the People, to get more actively involved politically.  You should have your elected officials on speed dial.  Their e-mail and snail mail addresses should be in your address books, Rolodex or whatever and wherever you keep those.  And the news should come to the point where they are calling you when you haven't submitted your opinion on a matter.  Your local newspaper and local TV stations should hear from you every time you feel a politician isn't doing their job in Representing You, a member of the People, their employer.  If things seem off, if something smells, if you believe that the actions of your elected officials or any agent of the government isn't performing up to a high standard and isn't treating every single citizen as equally as possible; that they are not fulfilling their roles as duly elected officials of the US, State, County, or other municipality and the Constitution or other document that establishes that level of government, then squawk.  Loudly.  Be the squeaky wheel.  When 320+ million wheels are squeaking, then maybe these men and women who only seem to remember who they work for is when they want you to help them keep their cushy jobs, will actually start working for us, the People, and not the political machines and the lobbyists and special interest groups.

If you, we, us, the People wish to have our politicians (I cannot yet deign any of our current elected officials with the honorific of statesman {usage in this case is gender neutral}) be held accountable for what they do, then we, the People must be held accountable for monitoring their performance and critiquing it as loudly as necessary, or on those occasions when they do it right, giving them proper thanks and acknowledgement for doing the job they were hired to do.

This partisan crap needs to end.  The seeds of ideas may derive from the extremes, but it is consensus and compromise that bring about appropriate, "common-sense", legislation that is of benefit for all citizens and not some small group thereof.

Now, let us prepare to celebrate the 45th peaceful transference of power from one President to another, while ensuring that we the People, are truly the political power of this nation, not the few who we elect to represent us.

Friday, September 23, 2016

You Don't Say: Freedom of Speech and Expression

This is an updated and expanded version of a previous blog by me.  I hope you will read and consider the ideas put forth.  It ought to be noted that this was originally written  and published one year ago.

The current topic of controversy that will topple the nation as we know is a small act by a professional football players, that to some is tantamount to the protester in Tianamen Square and to others as an act of treason in time of war.

The taking of a knee, sitting or otherwise not rendering some customary gesture to a symbol of our country is neither of these extremes.

Today, I am going to discuss freedom of speech/expression and also explore some points of civics that seem to be lost.

First, we must remember that freedom of speech or expression isn't for the words, ideas and the like for which we agree with.  Please note that while certain acts are not speech per se, they are a form of speech in that the display of them is used to convey a thought or idea in something other than words; from this point forward unless otherwise noted, when I say speech I am also speaking about these other forms of "speech" as well.  Free speech is for the things that someone else is saying that we find offensive, inappropriate, reprehensible and despicable.  Yes, even then such speech has a limit to which even the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has determined is beyond the pale of being free to express (inciting violence, causing a false panic).   There is however no limit because it makes you mad, upset, are offended by it.  What it is for is so that the people and groups who find themselves to be weak, the powerless, underrepresented can speak freely and openly in the hopes of starting a dialogue, to express their views, give notice of their concerns and to voice their conscience, when all around them are shouting them down and reviling them.

Do I like the way that Colin Kaepernick went about speaking his mind.  Not particularly, as I think he has the resources and the platform to better address his very legitimate and valid concerns about aspects of our society that we would think ought to not exist in modern times.  Sadly, they do exist.  Whether I like the method that he chose, and that many others have started to follow, is inconsequential, however, as this is how he has chosen to bring those disparities and inequalities to light.  I may find that his message is uncomfortable to me, but I totally not only respect his right to say what he wants to say, but would die for his right to say it.

Yes, you read that correctly.  I would die to protect his right to do that.  It is what my oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States required of me when I enlisted in the Army.  To uphold the laws of the US and the laws of my state and community are what I swore an oath to when I pinned on a badge and wore a gun as a police officer.  As a citizen of my nation, it is my civic duty to ensure that the liberties that I enjoy are also enjoyed by her other citizens so long as they are practiced responsibly.

Why do i find it uncomfortable, you ask, if I support the message.  Because it brings to light the fact that after all these centuries of civilization, and this great experiment in governance and the ideal of the American Melting Pot, that the ideal of all being created equally and having equal opportunity, we really don't.  Yes, it is true that for our first 80 some years as a nation, we had slavery, and those that were slaves were only to be considered 3/5ths as equal to the free person, or that women didn't have full and equal access to all benefits of nor duties of being a citizen until the early part of the 20th Century (common era).  The ideal was there, though.  We have edged closer to achieving it, at least in theory.  In practice, maybe not overtly, but still, as a society we do not consider all to be equal to us on the most basic of levels with the rights, privileges and duties as any and all other citizens of the nation and as a human, simply because of (enter your choice of any or all differences that are currently used to separate).

Further, I find it uncomfortable, because a profession I love and hold dear to my heart, is shown such disrespect and contempt because there are members of that profession who egregiously have misused or neglected their duties to hold not only others to these ideals of equality and fairness, but they themselves have displayed such vileness themselves.  And while it is wrong to generalize any group by the actions of some small number of its members, Law Enforcement is indeed viewed and given respect or revilement based in large part by the actions of those who bring about a negative light upon that group.

While I am focused solely upon the freedom of speech that is enumerated in the Constitution through the Bill of Rights, this applies to all of those liberties which are mine and all other citizens.

Thus ends the first part of this discussion.  Unless anyone has a point to make or a bone to contend, that is all I have for now.

On to the civics lesson.  This is brought to you by the extremists of the above "controversy".

Whether you call it hyper-, uber-, or ultra-nationalism, it is NOT patriotism.  At least not patriotism as it ought to be known in this country.  Patriotism is believing that your nation, even though she doesn't always get it right is trying to live up to the ideals for which she stands, and that you attempt to practice those ideals in how you represent yourself to the world at large, be it the neighbors, your local community or to someone from a foreign land here or abroad.  Patriotism IS NOT worshiping symbols that we use to represent the ideals of which are country represents.  It is not acting as a robot and automatically, unthinkingly rendering some customary gesture or face some form of punishment.  That is what is done in some totalitarian regime such as North Korea, where even the mere suggestion of non-compliance with patriotic "duty" can mean imprisonment or death.  These are not ideas, let alone ideals, with which the Founder's had in mind when they formed this nation.  They spoke openly about injustices and grievances about government and faced fines and imprisonment, loss of property and prestige at the whims of that government and her representatives.  They used words, written and in speeches to denounce that government and ultimately declare freedom from her.  Protest of grievance, calling attention to injustice, shedding light upon inequality are hallmarks of our nations, foundation.

It is not denigrating and deriding a person or group of people who are speaking up, and speaking out. Because you are uncomfortable doesn't mean you can shut them down and shut them out.  No, it requires you to fully examine your own thoughts and beliefs and the systems, policies or other causes that brought up their grievance to begin with.  Maybe we do find that their point is frivolous and self serving.  Maybe.  More likely though the reason we are uncomfortable with their claims is because there is truth to them, and we have failed to speak up.  There is truth that the only thing that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good people do nothing.  And we don't like to think that we personally have done nothing as evil, in the guise of injustice, inequality, or imbalance continues to work around us.

A few last comments, which are more opinion than anything, but I believe they are valid.  In a free society there are certain duties that we as citizens must take up to ensure that the freedoms remain.  We don't have too many of those in this modern day and age, but they are still there and must be recognized.  The first one is probably the one most familiar to everyone.  Jury duty.  Because we believe in the ideal that we are a classless society, we are all peers, and therefore we must be willing to sacrifice our time to perform this duty when we are called upon to do so.  The next one is voting.  And it is not just enough to go and make marks upon a ballot and say you have done your job.  No, it requires you to learn about issues and candidates and then vote in the way that you determine to be the most morally responsible not just for you, but for society as a whole and for the future of the nation and her coming generations of citizens.  Third, is acting to ensure the safety and peace of your community.  No, I am not taking about vigilante justice.  I am talking about speaking up and speaking out against those elements be they a single criminal actor or some group that demoralizes and terrorizes for their own benefit while negating the liberties of honest and otherwise law abiding citizens.  We do indeed have police who are trained to investigate, and report and if possible detain those who commit crimes.  But they cannot be effective when the people whom they are sworn to assist and protect will not render their own part of the process.  And finally, which is also most controversially a civic duty...we must be willing to defend those liberties of which we are so proud and would be the most loud should they be denied us.

Thank you for your time.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Poet in Me

If I am going to call myself a Warrior Poet Philosopher King, then I ought to show that I do have some of that poet actually in me.  So the following is some of my potentially quotable philosophical moments and some of my attempts at poetry.  A few of you have probably seen a couple of these before, in one of their many versions or edits.  Fair warning, a couple are a tad salacious, so avert thine eyes if need be.

If you wish to debate any of the philosophical points, then by all means speak up.  As for my more prose than poetry poems, if it isn't constructive criticism, you can keep the laughter and derision to yourself.


Fluttering in the Breeze

So many pass, but I am not really seen, ubiquitous to the backdrop; blurred into the landscape of the everyday.  On occasion a few will gaze upon me for but a moment as I flutter in the breeze.  It is when I stir the hearts of a few, who look at me with pride and perhaps, a little sorrow.   A tear wells up in the corner of their eye, but it does not fall, and a salute, not rendered but still the suggestion of it is perceived as I flutter in the breeze.

·      Life is like a dance. Sometimes it's slow and romantic, sometimes it's fast and sweaty, but so long as the music keeps playing we find a reason to keep going on.

I Have Seen the Goddess
How blest must I be; A mere mortal Man
To have been given a glimpse
Of the most divine form of Creation
For you are not just a Woman, it is most plain to see
Behold, to all I do declare, "I have seen the Goddess!"
Your names are many, your attributes abound
Men's minds are unable to fathom
Such purity, such perfection in one whole sum
Your many personae range far and wide
The beauty you are astounds, amazes, awes
Passions aroused, emotions run rampant
You ARE the wonders of nature, its mysteries
And its secrets; simple yet vast and complex
Patroness of love, erotic dreams, lust and sensuality
Mistress of fertility, of creativity and youthful fervor
A giver of light by night and by day
The arbiter of success in the hunt, the field of fortune and romance
Make and keeper of honey, grain, fruit and flowers
Of the hearth-fire and the home
The ultimate creator through the miracle of birth
The Lover, the Mother, the Virgin, the temptress, the Healer,
Warrior, Sage, Keeper of Lore and Law
Desire for you is the Inspiration of man
It is all that you are that sends us out to create
Create the songs, statues, plays, paintings and poems
That are all to bear witness to your luminous essence
My mind is a-reel, I am lost in a storm
I am unable to conceive of the words i so wish to speak
As words lose their meaning when you are so near
Should I die this moment or an eternity from now
I shall have a smile on my lips and a song in my heart
For I know when I open my eyes on the far side of the veil
It is you whom I shall see upon my first glimpse of Heaven
I have seen the Goddess!

When my mind wanders and my heart wonders, my soul soars. Dreams give us the spark to light up our lives.

Reflections of a Mid-October Morn
Crisp describes the morning
As golden waves of sunshine splash
Through the leaves of the trees
The tall and stoic flora who have become artists
Painting their canvasses of green
With brilliant hues that call to the eye
In colors so warm they evoke images
Of the hearth fires burning brightly
Fires which all too soon must burn
Both through the night and by day
The trees they are a-signaling
The coming of the winter season
By soon discarding those bright warnings signs
To create a blanket for the earth below them
To protect her from the coming winter snows
We are each a fire. We have the potential to be warm and inviting or we can be destructive and hurtful. How do you tend your flames?

Put My Love Away
The time has come when I must my love for you away
Because it can be no more
The time has come when I must pick up the pieces and just keep going
Because that’s the way it must be
I have come to realize that what was, was
What is, is
And what could have been, only a dream
Still there are the memories of what we had
Of what we meant to each other at one point in our lives
I hope, that even though the time has come
When I must put my love for you away
That the memories and our friendship never fade.
·        Your laugh is music, your smile sunshine, your kiss my sustenance, your eyes the drink.
     A smile crept across my face, my heart picked up a quicker pace as a thought of you thru my mind did race.
     That I covet thee is undeniable. I will suffer for my transgression, but willingly accept my fate. My heart aches for the moment that I get to have you fill my eyes with your image, my ears filled with your voice, your breath, your heartbeat; my nose with your scent; your skin on my fingertips; and your taste on my tongue.
More than a Kiss

It started with a kiss and a whispered dare
Quickly passions built as skin became bare 
With fingers and lips, I searched, tickled, teased
In the hope that you would certainly be pleased
In you ear I did whisper ever so softly
Of the many ways that you so excite me
I felt you tremble as your neck was kissed
In my attempts to fulfill what you had wished
Lightly my fingers traced along your thigh
Moving them ever more slowly as I heard you sigh
Down your body my lips they did move
Relishing their touch with skin so sweet and smooth
As our desires rose, as if in the heat of the sun
My ecstasy grew in the love I had won 
Now in this moment as I lay next to you
I wonder where our next kiss will lead to
·        Set your standards high, dream big, give your can adjust down as needed and no one else can fault you. Adjusting up is harder than you think.
     In that same vein do not be too hard on yourself if you don't achieve the heights you still have done more in life than so many others just by expecting more and working towards it than the majority of your fellow beings.

     The only fame one should truly seek is with those around them…anything else is inconsequential to true fulfillment in life.
Destiny Station
On the day that I was conceived
A ticket to Destiny Station I received
My journey began when I was born
To follow a path that is well worn
Along the trail I did grow
But what awaited me, I did not know
These were the beginnings of my life
Filled with joy, happiness, sorrow and strife
As I traveled, I sometimes wondered when I’d arrive
There were even moments of doubt that I would survive
Finally one day I was at my destination
I had arrived as Destiny Station
Still I was unsure as to why I was here
Slowly that uncertainty turned into fear
A fear that I was here all alone
Without some way to find out the unknown
I wandered the halls around and around
Yet they seemed empty, no one to be found
Then out of nowhere you appeared
And all of my apprehensions cleared
For, as we met, and talked and grew together
I realized my fate and felt much better
The purpose of my trip had now become clear
To fall in love and live is why I had to come here

             Live to Learn, Learn to Love, Love to Live.  Life is a circle, Keep it going ‘round.

     So, the “bad” guy in the trailer for the movie “The Adjustment Bureau” says to the protagonist “We tried to reason with you,”  as regards to the woman the protagonist loves.  My question is, when does reason EVER overcome the craziness that is love?


When I hear you say, "I'm not pretty," to yourself, it breaks my heart to hear, because you don't see the beauty in you that I do.  In my eyes the roses are red as they blush at being compared to you; the sun shines so brightly in an attempt to surpass the radiance you exude.  I am filled with joy at the music that is your voice, and with ecstasy when my name is in a verse of your song.


This ends my contributions so far.  If you wish to add to any of my sayings that may have touched you or sparked an idea in you to my list, please feel free.  If you wish to use any of it, all I ask is that it is attributed to me.

Hope this may have brightened you day.  Or at least gave you a good laugh (I don't want to hear about those).

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

When did the Golden Rule become Hate Your Neighbor?

I truly do not understand why so many people are filled with so much hate.

I am not talking about being disgusted by your least favorite food here, nor am I talking about the extreme dislike of a single person who has done something to you.  No, here I am talking about that visceral abhorrence towards some group of people simply because they have some difference from yourself?  

I grant that base human nature makes us territorial predators.  But we allegedly have evolved beyond our most base nature, and have created what we call civilization, and society, and laws.  These things are supposed to move us beyond the fear sprung from ignorance which drives such ugly emotions as rage and hatred.  But yet, here we are.  

I am still an optimist and therefore, I still also hold to the opinion that much of what we hear/see in the news only seems to make this world appear to be going to hell, because of the instantaneous access to what is happening pretty much anywhere on the globe.  But at the same time I am a realist and in some aspects, at least when it comes to humans interacting with others of their own species, we do indeed seem to be getting worse at this living together.

As most of you are aware, I have pretty much given religion a pass.  I do believe that there is some sort of superior being, but as to how it sees and interacts with us humans...?  That is for each of us to figure out on our own (or to reject altogether - that is what free agency is all about, but that is a topic for another day).  So, back to the point I was attempting to get to, pretty much every religion that is still in practice in this modern era has one thing in common with every other one.  One rule.  And regardless of how it is worded in your particular brand of conscience, it boils down to Love Others as You Would Want to Be Loved.  There are no caveats, no exceptions, no buts.  Love Others!

Now this doesn't mean a familial love, and it especially doesn't mean the love of an intimate relationship.  No, this is that love that is 1960's Summer of Love hippie commune type.  We accept each other for and in spite of our differences.

Does this mean we have to agree with the other?  No.  Does it mean we are comfortable with all that they do or are and/or the choices they make/have made?  Again, no.  It does, however, mean, that so long as those things that another is doing or has done is not affecting your life (the heart beating in your chest type, not the way you choose to live it), your liberty or how you choose to pursue that which makes you happy (and so we are clear, if depriving someone else of life, liberty or their ability to pursue happiness is how you pursue happiness, you need serious help), then they get to do it.  You don't have to like it.  You don't have to want to do it.  You don't even have to do anything to be supportive of it.  What you cannot do, is impose limits or restrictions upon those things, just as they shouldn't attempt to impose them upon you.  And most importantly, just because what they do or their physical characteristics are not reasons to hate a person or group of people.  To be specific, their skin tone, language, religion or lack thereof, god(s) or none, gender, sexual preference or identity (legally consenting adults), age, ability or anything else that makes them different is not in any way shape or form an appropriate reason to hate anyone.  Ever!

There is probably a whole lot more I ought to say here.  I do know there is a lot I want to say, but I believe it will lead to tangents that will detract from the issue I am addressing here.

So, here we are.  Thoughts, comments, criticisms?  And remember, I expect civility.