Monday, January 17, 2011

Civility: A lost art?

I want you to know, that I too have played the snarkastic and ptihy, the smackdown and the malicious jibe games. But generally when I do make such remarks, it is either among those whom I call friends, and understand that I really am not trying to belittle them, even if I am having a tad bit of fun at their expense, or that I have run out of a legitimate argument and have made the futile attempt at attacking character, until I have regained my composure and rallied my facts, thoughts and opinions to continue debate.

SO, why am I whining, you ask. Good question. Well, it started with the Sprint commercials. The neighbor who disses his neighbor while talking about all of his Sprint features for $69.99. And the couple at lunch when she dumps him with all of the features she has, because, don't worry it only costs me $69.99 a month for all of them. But what finally got me was that curly headed blond in the Toyota commercials. I don't condone any sort of violence against children, but I so want to put a boot in this kids ass. No, I take that back. It's not really the kid or the other actors/actresses that I dislike, it is the writers of this SHIT that I really want to knock into next week. Them and all of the other folks who have "popularized" making being sarcastic, acerbic, caustic, snarky, ill-mannered and just plain incivility acceptable. When did being rude become acceptable? When did talking down to EVERYONE who isn't within your little circle become OK? People give lip to their elders, the "authoritites", their parents, their peers, their subordinates, hell even their superiors and then have the gall to blame them when they have this WTF? look on their face.

Can we please bring back civil? Whatever humor there might have been in acting like this, has as far as I am concerned played itself out. Please, Thank You, Excuse Me, and You're Welcome are more than just phrases we teach our children, while we forget to use them ourselves.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hope the commentary is at least semi-civil. LMAO.

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